About Me

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I am a mother of a beautiful daughter with Hemifacial Microsomia. Graci has changed my life forever. I am so thankful for every day God gives me with her. I believe God created her the way he wanted her to be; and placed her in my life for a reason. I pray that he gives me strength and guidance I need to raise her to be a beautiful lady. Graci was born with mulitple birth defects. She has already undergone several surgeries and now we have reached the point in her life where she will have ear reconstuction on her microtia. This blog is for family, friends and others to read as we go through this amazing journey in California as Graci gets her new ear.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Packing in the Snow!!!

Wow, What a wonderful weekend we had and now it's time to pack for California. It is about 23 degrees here in North Carolina and have had some winter weather this weekend. It started Friday night and the kids played in the snow and rode their John Deer Tractor and we had some friends over for a snow celebration. Saturday and Sunday included with lots of sledding and many surprises. The kids had a blast snow tubing and sledding down the hills here in Wilson. Mommy was worried that Graci would get hurt three days before surgery, but we are all in tact leaving us with just a few bruises, scrapes and soreness.

Ok, well the packing and excitement starts today. We leave in the morning for RDU to fly to San Fransisco CA for 3rd stage ear reconstruction. The procedure begins with a skin graft which will be taken from Graci's groin region. This will leave a linear scar in the crease between the abdomen and thigh, somewhat like a hernia scar. The skin graft is used to make Graci's ear look like a "real ear". The 3rd stage separates the ear from the head with the skin graft, producing a limited space behind the ear. When this surgical procedure is first performed, the ear appears quite swollen and seems to project almost too far from the head. However, as the skin graft heals it shrinks and pulls the ear close to the head rather then an ear under the skin. Of all stages of the ear repair, the 3rd stage (the new ear) is probably most delicate and vulnerable after surgery, and trying to explain this to a very active 6 year old will be challenging. However, Graci will come home with a "new ear" and earrings. Yes, Dr. Brent pierces her ears before we leave so Graci will come home with pierced ear. The tears of course are now pouring down my face because our dreams are coming true and I am so happy for "sweet Graci". My heart hurts so bad for Graci and all that she has already gone through. Her journey to her ear ends soon, but her journey will never end. Graci will face so many challenges in the future and soon will go through 3 stage jaw reconstruction. But I have no doubt that she will be just as strong as she is now.

Mommy went out and shopped and bought Graci some new clothes because she has to have button up shirts and dresses to put over the head dressing. We also have a new vera bradley since we have had a new one on every trip and lots of goodies and fun things to do on the airplane. It's time to pack and rejoice in the Lord.....we are headed out in the am.

I can't end without thanking everyone for your thoughts, prayers and making this dream a reality. Thank you to our wonderful and beautiful family for always being there and for all the words of encouragement. There have been times when I was weak and have had endless nights of tears but hearing Graci and Griffin say, "Mommy why are you sad?" made me realize that no trouble is too big for me to overcome. My faithful and true friends have been the medicine of my life and have held my hands and have kept me strong. Difficult times have helped me understand better than before, how infinitely rich and beautiful life is in every way. Life has treated my family so well and we are so thankful and grateful in so many ways. Please pray for safety of travel and best wishes to Graci as the surgeon works on her ear. I pray that Graci is happy with the outcome and can't wait to see the smile on her face when the bandage is removed.


  1. Best wishes to you Mary and Gracie! A bunch of Brent's patients are meeting on Thursday evening for supper. I don't know when the actual surgery day is for you...but if that works you should join us! :) jane

  2. We are also patients of Dr. Brent's, we live in Centennial, CO and our 7 year old daugher Celine finished with 4 outer ear surgeries and thankfully, her ears pierced. Isn't Dr. Brent a wonderful man? Graci is a beautiful, little girl and I have both apprecaited and enjoyed reading your blog as you have so eloquently expressed many of my same feelings. Celine is our youngest of five children and a joy in our family and lives. This is certainly a process rather than an event, you are in our prayers. Much love and best wishes as you head back to California ~ The Nielson's


An Ear For Graci

An Ear For Graci

Graci's Song

Graci's Song
